What is Restorative Dentistry?

Restorative dentistry is extremely important for helping to correct oral health problems, and to restore your mouth so you can bite and chew normally, and so you can speak clearly. It also helps repair or replace teeth so they look nice! There are lots of different procedures that come under the umbrella of restorative dentistry, including fillings, crowns, bridges, porcelain veneers, full and partial dentures and dental implants in Bromley.

Dentist BromleyWhy Replace Missing Teeth?

When you visit Bromley Dental Practice, our aim is to help preserve your natural teeth as much as possible. We will always seek to restore teeth rather than extract them, but sometimes it can be a better solution to remove badly damaged teeth and to consider different ways of replacing them. Replacing any missing teeth helps protects your remaining natural teeth and promotes better dental health. It’s important to fill in any spaces in your mouth to prevent your natural teeth from shifting position, and these gaps also increase the risk of you developing cavities as it is easy for disease causing bacteria to build up. If you are missing teeth then it puts pressure and additional stresses on your remaining natural teeth through reducing the amount of surface area available to chew and grind food.

Visit Our Comfortable Dental Practice to Find out about All the Available Options

Dr Zaki Bashir is highly experienced in rebuilding people’s smiles and has an extremely good reputation in this area. He will be able to fully assess your current dental health during a consultation and will carefully explain all the available options to restore your teeth to full health. Our dental practice can produce a treatment plan that will be fully customised to fit your needs and budget. We use the latest techniques and materials to provide you with the very best level of dental care that we can.

Our Friendly Staff Is Very Good at Helping Nervous Patients Overcome Fears

We often find people are quite afraid of visiting a dentist, and this may have stemmed from a previous bad experience or it might be something they have picked up from their parents. It’s not uncommon for people to put up with the pain and discomfort caused by infected or badly damaged teeth rather than visit their dentist in Bromley. When you visit our dental practice you’ll discover the enormous difference gentle dental care can make to your overall experience.

Our aim is always to establish a good, positive relationship with patients and we encourage anybody with dental fears or phobias to discuss these with our friendly dental team. This will enable us to further customise your treatment plan so any dental procedures take place at a pace you feel comfortable with. Always remember that you can stop treatment at any time, and we will be constantly checking on you to make sure you are comfortable. You’ll also find our modern clinic is designed to be welcoming and extremely nonthreatening. Over time the aim is to gradually replace negative experiences in the past with positive visits to our dental clinic. There is no need to put up with broken and badly damaged teeth and we’d love to be given the opportunity to put a smile back on your face.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Finding Out More about Dental Implants in Bromley

Are you considering dental implants in Bromley? If so then you probably have loads of questions you’d like to ask about treatment. Even though dental implants are a great way to replace teeth lost to disease or trauma, treatment can take several months or more to complete; it is not a quick fix. However properly maintained dental implants can be completely problem-free for many years or possibly for life.

Dentist BromleyThey are still regarded as being the best and most reliable way to replace lost teeth, largely due to the way the implant replicates a natural tooth root. It not only anchors the replacement tooth firmly in position, but also manages to halt bone loss in the jaw. This is hugely important as bone loss can affect the stability of your remaining teeth, and the overall dimensions of your face. If you lose bone then you will lose some of the vertical height, creating the effect that the face is beginning to collapse inwards.

So can anyone have dental implants? Although the majority of people will be able to have this treatment, there are some who would be better off considering other options. This might be the case if you are a heavy smoker or drinker, as both of these habits make it much harder for the body to heal, increasing the risk of implant failure. You also need to be in reasonable dental health as any active gum disease must be treated before you can go ahead with surgery.

If you have any conditions that affect your immune system, or are receiving radiotherapy then dental implants in Bromley may not be the most sensible way forward. Lots of people grind or clench their teeth, but if this applies to you then it’s best to get this problem sorted out before you have dental implants. Dr Zaki Bashir can easily diagnose this issue for you, and treatment might be as simple as wearing a night guard.

The next step is to see how much bone you have available to hold the dental implants in position. Each dental implant needs to be surrounded by several millimetres of strong and healthy bone, and the way we determine this is to carry out various diagnostic tests. Dental x-rays and a CT scan will show us exactly what is going on in your jaw bone, and this information enables dentist in Bromley to precisely pinpoint the best location for your dental implants.

If you don’t have enough bone then it isn’t the end of the world, as it is possible to graft more bone onto your jawbone to ensure it has sufficient height and width to support the implants. Sometimes this is done as a separate procedure, and you will need to wait a few months for the bone to integrate with your existing bone, but if only a small amount is require then it might be possible to place the bone graft and the dental implant at the same time.

Deciding to have dental implants can be quite a big decision and we want you to feel as fully informed as possible. We always encourage our patients to ask all the questions they’d like.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


A Straighter Smile in Just a Few Months

Most people who have crooked teeth would prefer not to, and while one option is to have dental veneers it’s not always the healthiest choice as Dr Zaki Bashir would need to remove some tooth material to make room for the veneers. However the thought of wearing braces for many months or even years isn’t exactly appealing, especially as older style braces often meant wearing metal brackets combined with highly visible wires and elastics. It’s quite different nowadays, and adult orthodontics is much more common than it was even a few years ago. This is largely due to the development of new and far more innovative braces in Bromley that make the most of the very latest technology. In fact Bromley Dental Practice is able to offer patients a few different options for straightening teeth, and one of these can take as little as 2 to 4 months to work.

Dentist BromleyThis particular brace is called the Inman Aligner, and is fully removable so it is very easy to look after your teeth and gums during treatment. It’s also possible for it to be left out completely for the occasional special event. The brace works through squeezing the teeth into the correct positions, and is primarily designed to only move the teeth visible when smiling. It uses a coiled spring that fits inside the tooth surfaces, placing pressure on the back of the teeth. At the same time another very thin metal bar is placed across the front of the teeth and has the effect of pushing the teeth back into position. This squeezing action is very effective at correcting the way teeth are aligned. The brace is extremely discreet as the metal wire going across the front the teeth is very thin, and this technology is tried and tested as it has been around for more than a decade now.

One thing patients often ask is whether treatment will be painful. It is possible that you will experience some discomfort while your teeth are being straightened as they are being pushed into new positions. Some people might need to take mild over-the-counter painkillers for the first week or so. It can also take a bit of time to get used to wearing the appliance as it may initially feel quite strange. The Inman Aligner could affect speech for the first week or so until your tongue becomes accustomed to the brace.

While the Inman Aligner is an excellent treatment, it is primarily designed to treat mildly misaligned teeth, or teeth that are only just slightly out of position. It’s also a very good treatment if you wore braces as a child or teenager, but failed to keep up with wearing your retainer and have since gone on to have an orthodontic relapse where the teeth have tried to move back towards their original positions.

If you think you might like to straighten your teeth then it’s best to make an appointment with your dentist in Bromley. They will need to carefully assess the way your teeth currently bite together to see if the Inman Aligner is suitable or if you would benefit from more comprehensive orthodontic treatment.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


5 Super Foods for Healthier Teeth and Gums

Everyone knows that oral care is important, and that a good oral health regimen goes way beyond brushing and flossing. Gum disease may affect, infect, and ultimately destroy your teeth. It mayalso make you more prone to heart disease. This alone should highlight the importance of proper dental care.

Fortunately, you don’t need to panic and run to our dental clinic…yet. Do know that simple, everyday food items have powerful purification properties that may keep your teeth and gums healthy. With that, here’s a list of some super foods that will keep your pearly whites beautiful and your gums safe.

Green Tea

Tea has been known to have numerous health and healing benefits. Green tea, in particular, contains catechins—compounds that may fight inflammation and control bacterial infections. Several studies have linked green tea catechins to weight loss and fewer occurrences of periodontal diseases.

Lean Beef

Now, we’re not advising you to head over to the nearest steak house and gobble down a T-bone or a filet mignon; after all, too much cholesterol and animal fat are bad for your heart and overall health. But lean beef, as well as oysters and lamb are rich in zinc—an anti-inflammatory mineral that has antioxidant and immunity-boosting powers. Vitamin B6, which is found in beef and seafood, also helps fight gum disease.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are packed with numerous teeth-friendly micronutrients including phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, zinc, and more importantly, calcium. Calcium—the essential nutrient in teeth and bone strength—helps in re-mineralising the teeth. Also, individuals with zinc deficiencies are at higher risk of developing gum disease as the mineral helps fight the bacteria that causes the disease.

Almonds, Brazil nuts, and sesame seeds are some types that have high calcium content.

Strawberries and Kiwis

Vitamin C is important to your overall health. When it comes to your oral health, this vitamin helps collagen from breaking down. Without collagen, your gums may become extra tender and, therefore, susceptible to infections and gum disease.

Kiwis and strawberries have some of the highest concentration of Vitamin C, but citrus fruits are also suitable. Just be careful as too much citric acid may affect tooth enamel.


Can’t stand raw onion? So do the germs in your mouth. Especially when eaten raw, onions are great for fighting the microorganisms in your mouth thanks to its antimicrobial sulphur-containing compounds. You can have your daily dose of onions via a sandwich or a salad. If you really can’t handle it raw, you can have it cooked—it’s better than no onion at all.

These super foods are great for keeping your mouth healthy. They can only go so far, however. You still need to visit your dentist regularly, especially when your condition isn’t improving. Get in touch with us now and find out what we can do for you.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Are You Brushing Your Teeth Correctly?

Bromley DentistFor most of us, brushing our teeth is an automatic habit that we don’t really think about, but it is all too easy to make mistakes in your dental hygiene routine, and this could increase your chances of developing dental problems. So what are the most common mistakes people make?

  • Brushing too hard or for too long. This is very common mistake, as it is easy to think if you brush your teeth very hard then they’ll be that much cleaner at the end. Although they might be clean, you are also likely to wear away your gums and tooth enamel. Brushing too long could have the same effect. Ideally you should brush for around two to three minutes, two or three times a day as this should be sufficient to get your teeth thoroughly clean.
  • Brushing your teeth as soon as you finish eating. Lots of people think the sooner you brush your teeth after eating the better, but it is preferable to wait at least half an hour before doing so. Your mouth becomes more acidic immediately after eating, which softens your tooth enamel, and some of the minerals from the enamel are leached out into your saliva. Waiting for half an hour gives your mouth a chance to become less acidic, and some of the minerals in your saliva will be re-deposited back into your tooth enamel. If you brush too soon these minerals will be lost forever.
  • Not using the right toothbrush. Do you choose a hard bristled toothbrush thinking it is more effective? If so then switch to a soft brush, as it will clean your teeth just as well without damaging your tooth enamel or gums. It also pays to choose a brush with a small enough head to get right to the back of your mouth, and you can even buy a child-sized brush if necessary.
  • Using a toothbrush that is way beyond its sell-by date. Ideally you should replace your brush every two or three months, or as soon as you notice the bristles begin to look worn out or splayed. Some brushes have coloured bristles that gradually fade to tell you when to change. Toothbrushes are cheap to buy, so it doesn’t make any sense to economise on them.
  • Not flossing every night. Flossing can seem like a pretty thankless task, especially if it is late at night and you are tired, but it is essential. Every day a layer of plaque will build up on your teeth and gums, consisting of bacteria and food particles. This must be removed as otherwise it will infect and inflame your gums. If you are not sure of how to floss then please ask Dr Zaki Bashir or another member of our dental team for a quick demonstration. It can be far easier to do once you know how, and should only take a couple of minutes out of your whole day.

You’ll find your Bromley dentist is extremely keen on preventative dental care. We would far rather help your teeth last for as long as possible, than have to discuss options for their replacement. Even though many more people are choosing dental implants in Bromley to replace their missing teeth, your own natural teeth are better, and cheaper.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Should You Replace Older Style Amalgam Fillings with White Fillings?

Why Have Amalgams Become Less Popular?

Lots of people still have older style amalgam fillings. These are fillings that look silver or grey in the mouth, and which were widely used to repair cavities in back teeth as the material is durable, relatively long-lasting and cheap. However just recently there has been a move away from placing amalgam fillings, and more and more people are opting for white fillings that blend in with the rest of their natural teeth and which look much nicer. There have also been some concerns about the mercury content of amalgam fillings, and although clinical studies have deemed them to be safe, some people feel more comfortable having these fillings removed and replaced with metal free restorations. So what should you do if you have amalgam fillings?

Dentist BromleyAmalgam Fillings Can Be Problematic

If you are a regular patient at Bromley Dental Practice, Dr Zaki Bashir will be checking the condition of these fillings at every appointment. Amalgam fillings generally last for around ten years before they need replacing. As they age they can begin to leak and crumble.

There are several problems that can develop due to having amalgam fillings. Firstly, your Bromley dentist will need to remove all the decay from the tooth as well as some of the healthy tooth structure before placement. Once in position the material will expand and contract every time you eat or drink something hot or cold. This constant flexing can eventually cause tiny fractures in the filled tooth, weakening the overall structure.

It might not be the best solution to remove an amalgam that is still in good condition, but when the time comes Dr Bashir will make sure it is safely taken out and properly disposed of. At this point it is well worth considering white fillings, and here is why.

White Fillings are a Tooth Friendly Solution

IF you do have a tooth that has a cavity or which has become chipped or cracked due to an accident, then tooth coloured composite resin can restore it in a way that will work in harmony with your tooth. The actual preparation of the tooth is slightly different, as your dentist in Bromley will only need to remove damaged or decayed areas of the tooth, leaving more of the healthy tooth intact. The actual composite resin bonds very strong with the natural tooth, and does not expand and contract.

In the past composite resin fillings were only used to repair front teeth as the material was not strong enough to withstand being chewed on. Nowadays modern composites are very strong and durable. One thing to bear in mind is that white composite resin does eventually become stained, so it will need replacing at regular intervals to keep your smile looking its very best. White composite fillings are not expensive so it should be easy to keep your smile healthy and looking its best.

Composite resin is used to repair small to medium sized cavities. If you have larger areas of decay then Dr Bashir will recommend you have a different type of filing made from porcelain or gold as this will help restore the tooth to full strength.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Did you know you’re General Health and Dental Health is closely connected?

Many people are unaware of the relationship, but in fact the condition of your mouth can have a considerable effect on your overall health. It can pay to try to understand how and why both are closely connected as this can help you protect your oral and general health.

Dentist in BromleyYour mouth contains many different types of bacteria and most are harmless. Normal daily activities such as brushing and flossing help keep the numbers of bacteria under control, but a lack of proper oral hygiene increases the risk of infections such as gum disease and tooth decay. Taking certain prescription and over-the-counter medications can also increase these risks as many can reduce the amount of saliva produced. Saliva is immensely important for keeping your mouth clean as it helps wash away old skin cells, bacteria and old pieces of food, preventing bacterial overgrowth that could cause disease.

One of the main risks of poor oral hygiene is developing a condition called periodontitis or gum disease. This is an inflammatory disease and it’s suspected this inflammation could affect other general health conditions. In addition certain diseases that affect the immune system, in particular diabetes and HIV AIDS can lower the body’s resistance to infection, and this can make any oral health problems more difficult to control. The inflammation caused by periodontitis has been linked to heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, HIV AIDS and other conditions such as Sjögren’s syndrome and osteoporosis.

There have been lots of studies carried out into this link and it is thought to be due to the way inflammation causing bacteria from the mouth can get into the bloodstream through bleeding gums that are characteristic of advanced gum disease. From there these bacteria can travel around the entire body, potentially causing new sites of inflammation. This can be particularly problematic for diabetics as poorly controlled blood sugar levels lead to excessive glucose in saliva which in turn feeds the inflammation causing bacteria, increasing the risk of gum disease and bleeding gums. Once the bacteria get into the bloodstream then diabetics can have increased difficulty in controlling blood sugar levels. So what can you do to protect yourself?

The answer is quite a lot, even if you have existing medical problems. The main thing to do is to get your mouth as healthy as possible and to have a good preventative dental care regime. This is where Bromley Dental Practice can help. Most people will need to visit Dr Zaki Bashir twice a year for regular check-ups and professional cleanings, but some people with existing medical conditions such as diabetes may benefit from more regular visits. It’s important to make sure your dentist in Bromley is aware of any medications you might be taking and any changes to your overall health. This is because they can work with you, and with your GP if necessary to help keep your mouth healthy, and to hopefully protect your general health.

In between dental visits make sure you brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss once a day. Change your toothbrush regularly, every two or three months or sooner if the bristles begin to look frayed. If you do notice any changes to your oral health in between appointments, contact your Bromley dentist for more advice.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Don’t Put Up With Loose Dentures

Dentures are an affordable, fast but less than perfect way to replace missing teeth. Some people will find them easy and comfortable to wear, but quite a few will struggle, and this can get worse after having them for several years. So what is the solution? In fact you have a couple of choices, as you could enquire about having new dentures made at Bromley Dental Practice, or even having your old ones relined if they are still in reasonable condition. Alternatively you might want to find out about having dental implants in Bromley.

Replacing or Relining Old Dentures

Dentures tend to last between three and six years before they need replacing. Dentist in BromleyDuring this time the ridge that used to support your teeth will gradually change shape. It will become flatter and less able to offer any retention to your denture. At the same time your denture might begin to show signs of wear and tear, as they can become broken or cracked, and denture teeth may look worn. One way to extend the life of your denture is to have it relined, a process that renews the fitting surface of the denture (the surface nearest your gums) so it is less likely to move around and should feel more comfortable. However this does not address the real problem which is the flatter bony ridge that will continue to be reabsorbed by the body, gradually offering less and less retention.

Dental Implants: A More Permanent Solution for Loose Dentures

Quite a few people still assume dental implants are an expensive option for securing dentures, but this isn’t really the case. An entire arch can usually be secured with just a few well-placed dental implants, and the results can significantly enhance quality of life. You’ll have two different options when using dental implants to get rid of an ill-fitting conventional denture. You can choose to have an implant retained denture which can be taken out for daily cleaning, or if you prefer you can opt for a fixed bridge which will be permanently cemented or screwed in position and which can only be removed by Dr Zaki Bashir. While some people will prefer to have a removable appliance, others might find the idea of a fixed bridge more appealing. These are things you will have to discuss with your dentist in Bromley, as they will be able to explain the pros and cons of each treatment.

So where do you start when trying to decide on a new denture or dental implants? Your best bet is to make an appointment for a consultation with your dentist in Bromley. They can take you through each option, step-by-step. If you decide to go for dental implants, you will need a more thorough consultation to assess your dental health and your general health. Dental implants do require quite a bit of planning, and although it’s true the whole process will take longer to complete than a conventional denture, the results will be well worth it. Imagine having teeth that stay in position as firmly as natural teeth, and being able to enjoy all those foods you currently have to avoid. The solution could be just a phone call away, so why not find out more today?

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Quick and Easy Ways to Improve Your Smile

Most people will want to have the nicest smile they can, but not everyone wants to spend a lot of money achieving this. Although some people might need more extensive treatments such as dental implants in Bromley, others may only require minor modifications to their smile, and this is often quite easy and affordable to do. For example, Dr Zaki Bashir may be able to recommend treatments that only take a couple of visits to complete, and which won’t cost a fortune. The results can often be pretty amazing, and will do a lot to give your smile a quick and easy boost. These treatments can include renewing old fillings or using dental bonding and recontouring to slightly change the shape of your teeth and of course teeth whitening is always popular.

A Quick Consultation Can Tell You More

Dentist in BromleyYour first step should be to book a consultation with Dr Bashir for his professional opinion. A quick check-up will determine if you need any fillings renewed, and will make sure your teeth and gums are healthy enough for teeth whitening. Your Bromley dentist can provide you with a treatment plan, showing recommended procedures plus the costs.

Spreading the Costs of Treatment

Treatments offered at the Bromley Dental Practice are all very reasonably priced, and we do offer patients interest free financing for work costing more than £350. It is entirely down to you as to how much or how little you decide to have done. It might be that you just need to have your teeth professionally cleaned. This procedure thoroughly cleans all the old tartar from your teeth, a substance that can look slightly yellow, before the teeth are polished to give them a bit of a sparkle. It is amazing what a difference this can make, as some surface stains will be removed, and it is great for keeping your teeth and gums healthy.

If you decide to opt for renewing old fillings, then this can usually be completed in one visit. The process uses composite resin that comes in many different shades so your filling can be closely matched to your natural teeth. This is perfect for renewing old white fillings that have become stained, or for replacing older style silver amalgam fillings. The same composite resin is used to bond teeth, a procedure that can repair any small chips or cracks, or which can build up the overall shape of a tooth that is too small or irregularly shaped. This is often combined with enamel recontouring, where a very small amount of tooth enamel is removed to recontour the tooth. This technique can sometimes be used to correct teeth that are very slightly overlapping or which are slightly out of line.

Bromley Dental Practice uses the Zoom whitening system, as it is one of the most effective and extensively tested systems on the market. You can comfortably whiten your teeth in just an hour, or alternatively use our custom made whitening trays to bleach your teeth at home. Some people will use both treatments to get the brightest and best results possible.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Wave Goodbye to Wrinkles with Botox and Restylane Dermal Fillers

Aging is a perfectly natural process, but it’s not something that most of us particularly enjoy, especially the physical effects. Luckily nowadays you don’t have to put up with them. Bromley Dental Practice can help make over your smile and your looks as Dr Zaki Bashir can provide patients with aesthetic beauty treatments including Botox and dermal fillers.

Dentist BromleySome people might be quite surprised to learn dentists provide these kinds of treatments, but when you think about it your Bromley dentist is perfectly placed to do so. After all they have undertaken years of medical training in order to qualify as a dentist and know exactly how all the facial muscles work. This means they can apply the exact amount of Botox or fillers needed to provide an incredibly natural looking appearance that will keep people guessing as to whether or not you’ve had any work done.

Botox contains the botulinum toxin which might sound alarming but in fact it’s extremely safe. It’s injected into the facial muscles to help weaken the signals from the nerves that tell the facial muscles to contract. This has the effect of smoothing out unwanted wrinkles and crow’s feet. The effect can last anywhere from 3 to 5 months. A common concern is worrying that your facial muscles will be completely paralyzed and you will not be able to move them or show any facial expressions or emotions. This is certainly not the case, as you’ll still be able to move your facial muscles normally, just a little less than before. Your dentist in Bromley will make sure to only use the minimum amount necessary to get an extremely good effect.

Dermal fillers work in a slightly different way and Bromley Dental Practice uses a very well-known and respected brand called Restylane. Dermal filler is actually a form of hyaluronic acid. This is a substance that is produced naturally by the body, but production gradually declines as we age. Its purpose is to help the skin remain hydrated, and to provide volume, creating a more youthful look. The effects of dermal fillers gradually reduce after a few months but tend to last a little longer than Botox.

If you’re interested in refreshing your looks then it’s best to book a consultation with your dentist in Bromley. This is your chance to ask all the questions you might have about treatment, and to find out how much it will cost. At the start of your evaluation you might think you’ll only need one treatment or the other, but quite a few people can benefit from using a combination of both. This won’t necessarily be any more expensive as your dentist will need to use less of each. Using a combination of both treatments can often prove to be highly effective, as some wrinkles may be more deep-seated and will benefit from dermal fillers, while more recent wrinkles may be just fine with a little bit of Botox. Finally, Botox and dermal fillers aren’t just for the girls, as plenty of men are beginning to take advantage of this treatment as after all, we all want to look our best.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.
