Why adult orthodontic treatment might be for you

When you hear the word ‘orthodontics’, what do you picture? Perhaps you think of pre-teens with metal braces, colourful bands, and orthodontic appliances. Most of us have this image embedded in our minds. But step into our clinic, Bromley Dental Practice, and you might be surprised by Invisalign in Bromley. More and more, adults are taking their place in the orthodontic chair, eager to transform their smiles and bite.


The changing face of orthodontics

It’s a dynamic world. Just as fashion and technology evolve, so does the realm of dental science. New techniques and tools have emerged, making the process more streamlined, less conspicuous, and more adaptable for adult lifestyles. Gone are the days when braces were bulky, evident metal frameworks. Welcome to the age where subtlety and efficiency rule.

The stigma surrounding orthodontics has changed too. Once perceived as just a phase for children or teenagers, it’s now widely accepted for adults to undergo treatment. After all, isn’t it a universal desire to have that perfect smile?

Why consider it now?

There might be a whisper in your mind, a soft nudge you’ve been ignoring. Why bother at this age? Isn’t it too late? To this we, at Bromley Dental Practice, say it is never too late to invest in yourself.

Beyond the aesthetics, there’s a functional side to orthodontics. Misaligned teeth or malocclusions can lead to a range of issues – from difficulties in cleaning certain areas (making them more prone to cavities) to undue stress on your jaw. These aren’t just teenage problems. They persist into adulthood, often deepening in complexity. Addressing them might provide you not only with a beautiful smile, but also with better oral health in the long run.

Embracing the journey at any age

Invisalign in Bromley represents a breakthrough in orthodontic treatment, especially appealing to adults for its subtle appearance and flexibility. Unlike traditional metal braces that are affixed to the teeth with brackets, Invisalign in Bromley consists of a series of clear, removable aligners that are custom-made to fit the patient’s teeth.

Initial consultation and assessment

The journey with Invisalign begins with an extensive examination of your teeth and jaw. Using cutting-edge technology like 3D digital imaging, our dentist will develop a precise map of your mouth. This allows them to create a detailed treatment plan, identifying the exact movements required to align your teeth.

Customisation of aligners

Based on the treatment plan, a set of clear, plastic aligners are custom-crafted to fit your teeth. Aligners are virtually invisible, making them a popular choice among adults who may be concerned about the aesthetic impact of traditional braces.

Wearing the aligners

You’ll wear each set of aligners for about one to two weeks, depending on our dentist’s recommendations. They should be worn for 20-22 hours per day, removed only for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing.

Once the treatment is complete, retainers may be prescribed to keep your teeth in their new position. These can be similar in appearance to the aligners and are typically worn at night.

A decision worth pondering

So, the next time you look in the mirror and wonder if it’s worth it, remember: that self-improvement doesn’t have an age limit. The decision to invest in yourself, in your health and appearance, is timeless.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Making the most of your dentures with dental implants

Over time, dentistry has transformed from simply addressing dental ailments to enhancing comfort and ensuring longevity. Dentures have played an intrinsic role in this evolution. Traditional dentures, while effective, have had their share of challenges. Some wearers often express their struggles with slipping or uncomfortable fit. Today, as the field takes another step towards perfection, we, at Bromley Dental Practice, introduce the concept of stabilised dentures with dental implants in Bromley.


Why dentures move and the problems it causes

Dentures were designed to fit over the gums, replacing missing teeth and offering both functional and aesthetic benefits. However, the absence of natural teeth and the progressive shrinkage of the jawbone over time can cause the fit of the denture to alter. This can lead to slipping, particularly when eating or speaking. Such movement isn’t just bothersome; it can result in gum soreness, decreased chewing efficiency, and even reduced self-confidence in social situations.

The innovation behind stabilised dentures

Stabilised dentures represent a merge of the classic denture design with modern dental technology. Using dental implants in Bromley, these dentures are anchored firmly to the jawbone. This mechanism mimics the root structure of natural teeth, offering unprecedented stability. The implants essentially act as an anchor, ensuring the denture stays in place regardless of the activity. Thus, concerns related to movement are significantly minimised, if not completely eradicated.

The benefits that come with stability

The increased stability brought about by these innovative dentures has several undeniable advantages. Primarily, it ensures the user can indulge in a wide variety of foods without the fear of the denture moving or food particles getting trapped beneath. Additionally, speech, which can sometimes be hampered with traditional dentures, becomes more natural. The comfort level is enhanced exponentially, leading to increased wear time and decreased soreness.

The psychological benefits are just as profound. With stabilised dentures, wearers often report a boost in confidence, as they no longer have to worry about potential embarrassments like slipping dentures during conversations or meals. With the peace of mind they offer, these dentures enrich the overall quality of life for their users.

Embracing the future of dentistry

We believe in being at the forefront of dental advancements. We understand the importance of comfort and functionality for our patients, and thus, have incorporated the technology of stabilised dentures. Our team ensures that the transition from traditional to stabilised dentures with dental implants in Bromley is smooth, addressing all concerns and customising solutions for each individual.

When you opt for stabilised dentures at our clinic, you are not merely receiving a dental solution; you are embracing a lifestyle change. A change that promises more freedom, enhanced comfort, and the kind of confidence that only comes from knowing you’re sporting the best in dental technology.

Making the switch: is it right for you?

Every dental solution, no matter how advanced, is not universally ideal. Personal dental health, the condition of the jawbone, and other factors play into the decision. We invite you to consult with our experienced dental professionals with an in-depth analysis and understanding of your needs.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Can Invisalign help with gaps between teeth?

You might be looking for a dentist who is able to provide treatment with Invisalign in Bromley, and that search has led you to find us, Bromley Dental Practice. For those who have problems with gaps between their teeth, Invisalign in Bromley is one of the possible options which can be used to help. However, did you know that these clear aligners can be used for more than closing gaps between teeth?


Maybe you have seen an advert online which shows you a ‘before’ and ‘after’ of someone’s smile around treatment with Invisalign in Bromley, and that has resonated with you due to gaps in your teeth. If that is the case for you, then we would be delighted to welcome you into our practice to examine your mouth and teeth in person and have a discussion with you about your goals and treatment options.

It is crucial to note that sometimes Invisalign clear aligners may be unsuited to your needs, or there may be other options which could work better for your personal circumstances, health or goals. When we see you for your consultation, this is something which we can discuss with you and direct you for further appointments where needed.

What kinds of problems can be treated with Invisalign?

There are several dental problems which can be addressed through the use of Invisalign in Bromley. As previously mentioned, if you have gaps in your teeth these clear aligners can help to close those gaps over the course of your treatment. Gap closing, however, is not the only issue which Invisalign can help with. Perhaps you don’t have gaps at all, and instead you are dealing with the issues that come with overcrowded teeth. If this is you, then feel encouraged! Invisalign aligners could help you too. In fact, this clear aligner system can help address problems with the bite as well (you may have heard of overbite or underbite) or to straighten crooked teeth.

It is important to consult with our dentist about your personal needs and goals to determine your course of treatment going forwards, and if we recommend Invisalign to you then we will be able to give you an idea of how long your treatment period should last and what you can expect from your future smile (should you undergo treatment as instructed).

What does the Invisalign system look like?

If you are not familiar with the Invisalign clear aligner system, then here is an outline of what can generally be expected from treatment with Invisalign here at Bromley Dental Practice. The first step is of course for us to recommend Invisalign as your course of treatment, and we will examine your mouth and teeth and may use diagnostic tools such as X-rays, photographs, or digital scanning to help us get an accurate picture of the overall health of your mouth and teeth. Impressions of your teeth would be taken (either with an impression kit or a scanner) to send off to a dental lab where your aligners will be made. The Invisalign system utilises a series of aligners which differ and in doing so progressively move your teeth towards their end position.

The aligners used are clear (making them almost invisible) and removable (meaning you can continue to eat, drink, clean and floss as you would normally do). Treatment times vary from patient to patient in line with the severity of the dental problem being addressed, but on average treatment takes between 6 and 24 months.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Can dental implants replace multiple teeth?

Here at Bromley Dental Practice, we are pleased to be able to offer dental implants in Bromley as a form of replacing missing teeth. It might be that you have come to search for a method of tooth replacement due to already having missing teeth, or perhaps you have an extraction planned in the not too distant future. Whatever the case is for you, we would be thrilled to see you for a consultation so that we can recommend a suitable course of treatment for you.


Once we have examined your teeth and mouth and had a discussion with you about your dental and medical history and your overall oral health, we may recommend replacing your teeth with dental implants in Bromley.

Dental implants in Bromley can be utilised in several different circumstances. Whether you have one missing tooth, a few, an arch or a whole mouth of teeth missing, implants could be used to replace them. Likewise, they can be used in situations where tooth loss has happened due to accident or injury or when teeth have been removed in a planned extraction. So, if you are looking to replace one or several missing teeth then dental implants could be a good option for you to consider.

Dental implants

A dental implant is created out of three separate components. The screw (which is often referred to as the implant) is usually made from titanium, which is considered to be hypoallergenic, and is implanted into the jawbone where the natural tooth root would usually be. The implantation of the screw requires tapping or screwing it into the jawbone, and healing time is required after this step before continuing with the long-term replacements. It may be that our dentist can provide you with a temporary fixture throughout the duration of your healing period.

Following your period of healing time the abutment can be placed into the screw. This post connects the screw and the visible portion of your replacement tooth (or teeth), providing a surface for the latter to be adhered to.

The visible part of your replacement is normally a crown or a denture, depending upon how many teeth you are missing. Crowns are most commonly used for single missing teeth, or where a couple of teeth are missing but in separate locations. Where several teeth are missing in a row one implanted screw can be used to support up to 4 replacement teeth (although this is case dependent).

In cases where you are missing a whole arch, or indeed all of your teeth, it may be that the most appropriate way to address this utilising dental implants is by implanting just a few screws in a strategic way and using these to secure dentures into place. Most often when this happens, our dentist would use 4 or 6 screws as the anchors for your dentures. Of course, if there is a reason to do this differently for you and to meet your dental needs, then this is something that we will discuss with you during your treatment.

If you would like to find out more about dental implants, or other dental treatments at Bromley Dental Practice, we look forward to speaking with you.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Setting your teeth straight, Invisalign in Bromley!

If you have misaligned teeth then don’t think that you are alone; it is estimated that somewhere in the region of seventy five percent of the world’s population has this problem. So, what does this mean to you? Well for a start, you can take confidence in the fact that such a huge problem has received the attention of the worldwide dental industry. This has resulted in huge amounts of money being spent on developing new and existing products, techniques, equipment and procedures for your and other suffers benefit. Invisalign in Bromley is the result of an invention in the nineteen nineties looking at a different type of appliance than the original dental braces. Dental aligners were born which work in a different way. Rather than being attached to your teeth these aligners fit over your teeth in much the same way as a gum shield.


Creative technology

Many of us can remember the old X-ray machines well. Now, those have now been replaced with digitised versions and 3D scanners that can take thousands of images per second of the interior of your mouth. At Bromley Dental Practice we are able to take those thousands of images and using specially created software we are able to create a complete view of the inside of your mouth. This opens up enormous possibilities as we now have a 3D image that allows us to view your teeth and gums from every angle. From this we can also show you your current smile and what your smile can look like if you have the Invisalign in Bromley treatment. The discussion with you about your condition and the treatment takes on a different dynamic because no imagination is required.

Design and implementation

Now that everything is digitised, you don’t have to endure dental putty in your mouth to create a mould because we are able to utilise the accurate images produced by the scanner. Communication with the laboratory is rapid and this speeds up the manufacturing process. Adjustments where necessary are also done digitally so little time is wasted in going back and forth

The creation process

Invisalign in Bromley refers to the dental aligners as trays and the laboratory will create your personal set of trays based on the images which we have sent to them. The number of trays required to straighten your teeth depends on your condition and the severity. Each tray is shaped and designed to follow the previous tray and to move your teeth a certain amount toward the eventual final position to bring your teeth into alignment. The trays are created from thermoplastic which is clear and therefore when worn is difficult to see, making them unobtrusive.

The treatment

Once your set of trays has arrived, we will ask you to come in to have your first one fitted and we will explain the process to you. You must wear each tray for a minimum of twenty two hours each day. Each tray should be worn for 2-3 weeks based on the progress of your treatment. The duration of the treatment can be anything from six months to two years. You can remove them to eat and drink and to clean your teeth and the tray.

The revelation

At the end of the treatment you can produce a big reveal to show the world your beautiful broad smile, with confidence.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Decades of experience replacing teeth with dental implants in Bromley!

If you have lost a tooth through facial trauma or tooth decay, you can feel confident that with our decades of placing dental implants Bromley, you will be benefiting from our team’s experience, expertise and skill. Doctor Heidmiller has placed over 3000 implants over a 30-year career in dentistry.


Tooth loss side effects

Sometimes losing a tooth is simply accepted as part of your life cycle, but the consequences of losing a valuable part of your anatomy should not be taken lightly. We may not care much about a missing tooth because when growing up, we would get rewarded by the tooth fairy, mouse or rabbit for losing a baby tooth. Your baby teeth are important because they have a very important role to play in your oral development. One of these roles is creating space for your adult teeth, so they are naturally dispensable. However, your adult teeth are the only set of permanent teeth you are going to get; therefore, they require a different level of care.

When you lose a tooth, the adjacent teeth will gradually move to fill the vacant space left. Your jawbone no longer receives the necessary nutrients and therefore begins to deteriorate. You may start to notice that your face has adopted a sunken look in the area of the lost tooth. Your gums will slowly recede, increasing the risk of gum disease, which will cause the loss of further teeth.

Technology and scientific progress

In this century, we have been fortunate to experience amazing developments in technology, and dentistry has been very quick to seize on the opportunity to adapt, develop and create new systems, treatments, equipment and techniques. All of these developments help us at Bromley Dental Practice to provide you with modern oral healthcare.

Bone augmentation has allowed us to reverse the process of jawbone degeneration so that more patients are now able to benefit from dental implants Bromley treatment. In the 1950s, implant treatment was in its fledgling stage, even though history shows that attempts were made for centuries to replace teeth with implants. Since the 1950s, technology has allowed dental science to take implant procedures to a level where it is now the treatment of choice.

Efficient and precise

We keep up to date with the latest equipment so that we can maintain our implant services at the highest possible levels of efficiency and precision. The administration of your local anaesthesia is computer controlled to deliver the precise amount at a given rate. The drilling of the hole to place the implant is computer-aided so that we can ensure that your teeth line up to give you a properly meshing bite. Everything we do is carefully planned and choreographed by the team to ensure that your implant works with utmost certainty.

Latest materials

The quality of the materials that we use in our dental implants Bromley are the very best, ensuring the longevity of your new prosthetic. From the titanium post that replaces your original tooth’s root to the quality of the crown coloured and shaped to fit in with your natural teeth, all are of top quality.

Range of implants

We can use one implant to support up to four teeth in a row. Instead of a bridge, which requires the support of adjacent teeth that have to be redesigned to hold the bridge, we can place an implant. To accommodate the replacement of all your teeth, we can use just four implants. Our team can restore your mouth’s natural cosmetic appeal and your ability to chew.

Stable platform

Because implants are based on how natural teeth work, you will enjoy the benefit of a stable set of new teeth, allowing you to eat the foods you used to enjoy.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Saliva: its role in oral health and the Invisalign experience

Every day, in every mouth, an unsung hero carries out its work diligently. Saliva, a simple bodily fluid, is often overlooked despite its crucial role in our oral health. It bathes our teeth and gums, fights off bacteria, aids digestion, and even helps in speaking and tasting. Without it, our mouths would become dry and uncomfortable, paving the way for various dental issues. However, we’re not just here to sing the praises of saliva. We’re here to delve into the integral relationship between this important fluid and a revolutionary dental innovation, Invisalign in Bromley.


The beauty of Invisalign: revolutionising orthodontic treatments

Invisalign in Bromley, an orthodontic treatment that uses clear, virtually invisible aligners to straighten teeth, has taken the dental world by storm. Unlike traditional braces, clear aligners are not only discreet but also removable, enabling you to maintain your oral hygiene regime without a hitch. This is where our hero, saliva, comes into play.

Saliva is the natural cleaning agent of our mouths, washing away food debris and preventing plaque build-up. This is particularly vital when you’re wearing an orthodontic appliance. You see, the aligners fit snugly over your teeth, creating a conducive environment for bacteria to thrive if oral hygiene is neglected. This is where the power of saliva steps in, aiding in maintaining a clean environment under the aligners.

A symbiotic relationship: saliva and clear aligners

Just as Invisalign in Bromley plays a pivotal role in creating beautiful smiles, saliva helps ensure the success of the treatment. It keeps your mouth hydrated and healthy, aiding in the prevention of cavities and gum disease that could potentially hinder your clear aligner journey. Therefore, maintaining a well-hydrated oral environment is critical, not only for overall oral health but also for the success of your clear aligner treatment.

With clear aligners, it’s easier to promote good oral hygiene, too. Unlike traditional braces, you can remove your clear aligners to brush and floss, allowing saliva to do its job more effectively. This way, you can have the best of both worlds – straight, well-aligned teeth and a clean, healthy mouth.

Creating healthy smiles: our commitment to your oral health

At Bromley Dental Practice, we believe that everyone deserves a healthy, beautiful smile. We’ve witnessed first-hand the transformational power of clear aligners, not just in terms of aesthetics but also in how it can improve oral health and confidence. We also understand the significance of saliva in this process, and we’re committed to educating our patients on its importance.

Our team is trained and experienced in providing treatments, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way. We’re committed to not only transforming your smile, but also ensuring that your oral health is at its best throughout your treatment journey.

In conclusion, saliva and clear aligners are a perfect match. Saliva, the unsung hero of our mouths, works tirelessly to maintain our oral health. Meanwhile, clear aligners, with their innovative design, facilitate effective oral hygiene practices and leverage the natural power of saliva to create a healthier mouth. Together, they play a key role in our journey towards creating healthy and beautiful smiles.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Four oral hygiene habits worth adopting for dental implants care

As a dedicated dental establishment, at Bromley Dental Practice, we believe in the importance of maintaining optimal oral hygiene, particularly for those with dental implants in Bromley. While conventional oral hygiene habits like brushing twice a day, flossing regularly, and visiting your dentist routinely are essential, there are also a few unconventional habits worth trying out. These habits can enhance the longevity of your tooth implants and keep your oral health in peak condition.


Why implants need extra care

Dental implants in Bromley, while imitating the function of natural teeth, require a distinct care routine to ensure their longevity and to maintain the health of the surrounding oral tissues. A dental implant comprises a titanium post inserted into the jawbone, a connector known as an abutment, and the visible part of the tooth called a crown. Given that these components interact with your oral environment, they necessitate unique hygiene practices to keep them in optimal shape.

Oil pulling for implant care

The first unconventional habit we recommend is oil pulling. It’s an ancient practice that involves swishing a tablespoon of oil, typically coconut, sesame, or sunflower oil, in your mouth for about 15-20 minutes before spitting it out. The philosophy behind this practice is that the oil pulls out bacteria, fungi, and other harmful particles from your mouth. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with implants, as it might help prevent peri-implant diseases caused by bacteria build-up. However, remember, oil pulling is not a substitute for regular brushing and flossing, but an additional step you can add to your routine.

Incorporating a water flosser into your oral hygiene routine

Next on our list is the use of a water flosser. This device shoots a thin stream of water between your teeth, cleaning out hard-to-reach areas effectively. While regular flossing can be tricky, especially for people with tooth implants, a water flosser simplifies the task. The pressure of the water can reach around the implant and clean areas where traditional floss might struggle. It’s an excellent addition to your dental hygiene routine, especially if you find flossing to be challenging.

Tongue scraping for better oral hygiene

The third unconventional oral hygiene habit we recommend is tongue scraping. It’s an often overlooked practice, but it’s critical in maintaining a healthy oral environment. The tongue houses countless bacteria that can cause oral health issues. By scraping your tongue daily, you remove these bacteria, promoting better breath and overall oral health, which indirectly affects the wellbeing of your implants.

Eating a balanced diet for oral health

Lastly, we advocate for mindful eating habits. Consuming a balanced diet full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants can contribute positively to your oral health. Foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, for instance, can enhance your bone health, a critical aspect for dental implant longevity. Also, crunchy fruits and vegetables like apples and carrots can naturally clean your teeth and gums, reducing the risk of bacteria building up around your tooth implants.

By embracing these unconventional oral hygiene habits, we believe you can go the extra mile in caring for your tooth implants. These practices, alongside conventional oral care routines, can significantly contribute to the health and longevity of your dental implants in Bromley, leading to a confident and radiant smile. Remember, regular visits to your dental professional are essential in maintaining your oral health, including dental implant care.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


What is cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry is a field of dentistry that focuses on improving and enhancing the appearance and aesthetics of your teeth. Unlike general dentistry that focuses on preventive care and restorative treatment methods, cosmetic dentistry centres more around improving the look of your teeth. Common cosmetic dentistry procedures include veneers, dental whitening and Invisalign.


What is Invisalign?

Invisalign in Bromley is an effective and permanent solution to achieving straighter looking teeth. Unlike traditional metal braces, Invisalign involves wearing sets of clear plastic aligners or ‘trays’ to achieve the same results as you would with normal braces. It applies gentle pressure on the teeth to move them into a more cohesive position over time, while at the same time being concealed or as the name suggests, ‘invisible’.

Invisalign in Bromley is designed to treat a number of dental issues such as misaligned teeth, gaps between teeth, overbites, underbites, crossbites and crowded teeth. With the help of 3D scanning, your dentist at Bromley Dental Practice can predict the progression of your teeth when using Invisalign. This scanning then helps to create a custom-made selection of aligners for you to wear throughout your treatment.

What does the process involve?

When getting Invisalign in Bromley, you will begin with an initial consultation with your dentist for a physical assessment of your teeth.  The dentist will then take 3D images of your teeth to visualise the predicted movement of your teeth throughout your Invisalign journey; this will also help the dentist create a custom-made treatment plan for you with a set of different aligners which will fit your teeth as they progress and change in position.

You will be required to wear each set of aligners for roughly two to eight weeks; after which, your dentist will ask you to change the aligner you are wearing. Each aligner will feel a little tight when you first wear it however as your teeth slowly move positions, they will fit better. It is imperative that you wear your aligners all day every day, except for when you eat, drink, and brush your teeth, in order to achieve the desired result from the treatment. The treatment usually takes around twelve months to complete on average; however you may start noticing a difference in the alignment of your teeth within the first three to six months.

What are the benefits of Invisalign?

It is no surprise that there has been a drastic rise in popularity when it comes to getting Invisalign, as the benefits of having them are endless. Invisalign is a popular option for adults who have delayed having their teeth straightened and now no longer want to wear metal braces. Another benefit of wearing Invisalign aligners is that they are removable, unlike traditional braces that are glued onto the teeth; because of this, they can be removed when eating which avoids them getting stained, and you can maintain good oral hygiene as you can brush the entire surface of your teeth with nothing in the way. In the case of metal braces, it is common for a bracket or part of the wire to break leading to an urgent appointment to the dentist, however this problem can be avoided with clear aligners as they are made of plastic.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


What are dental implants?

Dental implants are titanium screw-like posts that can be surgically fixed into the jawbone to act like a tooth root and provide support for dentures and crowns. At Bromley Dental Practice, we take pride in offering a permanent solution to missing teeth and bringing back your smile.


Why choose dental implants?

Dental implants in Bromley are necessary for several reasons and come with great benefits. Missing teeth can harm your self-esteem and make the simplest daily tasks, such as biting and chewing food, extremely uncomfortable and difficult. Dental implants in Bromley offer a permanent solution to the problems that arise with missing teeth by replacing those that are lost and making your teeth look more natural and complete.

One of the most obvious and commonly sought-after benefits of dental implants in Bromley is that they make your teeth look more natural; this can be achieved because the titanium screws are permanently fixed into the jawbone. The bone fuses to the screws so that they act like a tooth root, thus allowing the denture or crown fitted on top to act like a natural tooth.

One advantage of dental implants is that they are a great long term solution. They can last up to over ten years, provided they are well looked after and permanently fixed into the jawbone, so you do not need to remove them at the end of the day.

Missing teeth can affect how you chew or bite food, making it uncomfortable or even painful. Dental implants can restore your bite by replacing your missing teeth and filling in the gaps, thereby making eating hard foods easy again. Tooth loss or missing teeth can cause the tooth root to shrink due to it not being stimulated; over time, this can change the shape of your face, making you appear older than you actually are. You can avoid this by having dental implants fitted as they stimulate the bone around them, preventing further bone loss. If you already have bone loss, our dentist can use bone grafts as part of the dental implant process to restore the density of your jawbone.

Getting dental implants

The process of having dental implants fixed involves a pre-operative assessment where our dentist will assess whether dental implants are suitable for you based on the condition of your teeth, jaw and gums and whether you have any health conditions that could affect the healing process. The second stage consists of a bone graft, should you require it, and then installing the implant. A temporary crown or denture can be placed on top of the implant while it heals since we understand you may want to fill any gaps in your teeth as soon as possible instead of waiting for the healing process to complete. The healing process can take up to six months to allow bone cells to grow around the implant and fuse the bone with the implant. Once healed, the final stage involves fixing a crown or denture onto the implant; this can often be completed within one sitting regardless of how many false teeth have to be fixed onto the implants.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.
